I heard he has unvaccinated Sperm

At Premium Sperm, our commitment is to connect women with healthy, non-covid vaccinated sperm donors. We understand the importance of this for women who chose to decline the injections.
By the very nature of what we are building, we expect to attract males and females that are in alignment with us, through word of mouth and referrals within our community.
Presently there is no known laboratory test to ensure people were not injected with a covid vaccine, but we do our best to pre-screen donors with a general check of their social media history, personal conversation, and references. Should a test method arise, we will implement this, and we appreciate any input on the subject. We do recommend that you personally further verify any potential donors you are interested in. This is a personal journey, between humans, to create more wonderful humans.
We seek healthy males who are dedicated to a healthy lifestyle, and/or show other remarkable characteristics. Being unjabbed is just a prerequisite. There is a wide range of what the phrase “healthy lifestyle” means to each person however, and we do not pretend to be an ultimate authority on the subject. Should you have specific concerns or requirements, please communicate this with your potential donor.
Wishing you all the best in your motherly journey,