The founder
Hello curious person. Yes, I am selectively available for donations as well.
Early 2021 I envisioned a possible need for a service to connect people. At that time I purchased the URL www.premiumsperm.com. The summer of 2023 I began donating to a few grateful, wonderful people. It’s 10th July 2024 today as I write this, the birth date of this website. I am seeking to grow our list of donors, so please do share this site with any appropriate men you know.
Welcome to Premium Sperm.
About Myself
-Age: 56 (Nov 1968)
-Height: 5’10”
-Eyes: Blue/green
-Hair: Curly dark brown (before I shaved it)
-Build: Athletic
-Of note, I have a considerable mix of recessive genes. Two of my children before this sperm donation venture began are blond with straight hair.
Genetic Heritage
(to the best of my knowledge)
1/2 Ukrainian
1/4 Jamaican
1/8 English
1/16 Scottish
1/16 Irish
(And Chinese mixed in with that, probably in the Jamaican part)
Aptitudes, Attributes, Skills
IQ 140-170 (Mensa member)
Very athletic
Strong martial arts / fighting skills
Musician / singer / guitarist / actor
Acute senses
Exceptionally fertile
Strong willed
General Bio
Organic food has been my preference for decades. I usually eat the best food I can, though my circumstances are often challenging due to travel or other reasons.
I seem to have been blessed with long telomeres, and longevity runs on my mother’s side of the family. I’ve always appeared ‘younger’ than expected for my chronological age.
My personality is non addictive. I seldom consume alcohol, perhaps a few drinks per year, and I have never had any substance addictions.
I have had many hardships, and a resilient history of enduring and recovering from those hurdles. If you give any credence to theories of epigenetics / genetic memory, then your child should have an advantage dealing with trying times, calmly.
I’m a musician and occasional actor. I have had a lifelong interest in martial arts, and am a fighter in every sense.
Politically I am as active as I can be. I’ve made small dents in the plans of a certain government, though due to my efforts organizing a resistance to lock-downs I’ve also paid a price. The creation of Premium Sperm is in part to try to build something for a better world, and not just fight the old structures.
I spent a good part of my late teens through my mid twenties engaged in deep meditative exercises, pursuing traditional means of spiritual advancement (chi kung, sperm retention, kundalini, tantric practice). I had a brief experience of “awakening” or “illumination” in the traditional sense in my early 30s.
Last but not least, I am unusually fertile and always have been. I produce much more than the average male ejaculate, and have a very low refractory period. In a nutshell (pun intended), I can cum a lot.
I often have to travel. I’m usually in various countries in Europe, or in Australia, or occasionally North America. I am open to possible recipients around the world.
Going backwards through time

No, I don’t own a kilt 😉

Yes, colour film existed then too 😉